UDC: 780.614.332.082.4 COBISS.SR-ID 109598985 _________________
Received: Sept 26, 2022
Reviewed: Oct 24, 2022
Accepted: Oct 28, 2022
The Interpretation of Violin Performance Style
in "The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto"
Citation: Guo, Yuanyuan. 2023. "The Interpretation of Violin Performance Style in The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto." Accelerando Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance 8:9
The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto is composed by two Chinese composers, Zhanhao He and Gang Chen in 1959. This concerto is related to the narrative of a love tragedy — The Butterfly Lovers. The inspirations of this composition and the musical ingredients of this work came from the Yue Opera, which is a type of Chinese opera. Innovations and characteristics of synthesizing the Chinese and western musical traditions and features make this violin concerto a standard work in mid-20th century China. The tonal structure of this work applies the Chinese pentatonic scale, and the formal structure of this single-movement concerto is formed in western traditional sonata form. In addition, composers also applied several Chinese traditional instruments’ techniques (such as Erhu, Pipa, and Guzheng) to violin solo playing to express the emotion of the Chinese traditional aesthetics. In this research, the author will present the violin performance style and interpretation of this composition by analyzing the formal structure, violin performing techniques, and the musical application of Yue opera. In general, this study aims to provide analytical and practical ways to benefit violinists who perform and study this work in a comprehensive way.
Keywords: Yue Opera, Kun Opera, pentatonic scale, sonata form, Erhu, Pipa, Guzheng, violin performing techniques |
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Belgrade Center for Music and Dance is the publisher of Accelerando: BJMD
Belgrade Center for Music and Dance is the publisher of Accelerando: BJMD